On October 9th My sweet friend
Stacey Boshell and I
will set out to embark on yet, another adventure!
This time, we are headed North.
Portland and Bar Harbor, Maine, New Hampshire, and Stowe, Vermont to be exact.
We are declaring it my 25th Birthday week Celebration, and I could not be any more excited!
This time we are dragging along
Grace Anne!
She is really excited, but definitely contemplates things more than I do. I tend to make an educated decision and stick with it. She thinks about things a little longer, so I stress her out a little…in a good way

She is also my friend that is going to Hawaii with me, should we land a job.
We balance each other out well I think.
But she probably has no idea what she is in for!
We have a tentative plan, but no set schedule
We are flying in to Portland, Maine and staying overnight. We will get up the next morning and drive up the coast to Bar Harbor
and enjoy the scenery and make whatever stops we wish to make along the way
In Bar harbor we are going to go Whale and puffin watching and see what else we can get into
How cute are these?!?
OH! and let’s not forget…eat some lobster!
Bon appetit!
We will then drive thru New Hampshire, and maybe stay a night there…then drive on into Stowe, Vermont and stay there a couple nights before heading back to Portland to fly back home
We have a lot of options of things to do and see, but want to play it by ear. We don’t want to have a set itinerary
We just want to do things like site-see, and hike and bike and enjoy the scenery and fall weather.
Because after all, Fall is my MOST FAVORITE time of year!
fall foliage
This one’s for you, Boshell!
Plane tickets are purchased, So now it’s a month of waiting and excited anticipation

SO stay tuned! I hope to take my computer and blog about our adventures along the way, should time allow. But we shall see!
Hope everyone’s week is great so far! I’m super tired from working extra, but gotta make that moolah for my trip, so all in all it’s totally worth it!