1/2 Marathon training is now in progress!!!
Since the snow has finally taken a hiatus, and the sunshine has shown its Beautiful face...I have finally found the motivation to start running again!
a little history...
I used to run 2-3 miles on a pretty regular basis. I loved it. I loved the energy it gave me. I loved being outside, I loved having a goal to work towards, and of course I love what it did for my body...minus knee-joint pain ;0) I began getting sick when I ran...I figured it was just something I could "push through" and the competitive side of me was determined to do just that. However, a lot of times my runs would end with throwing up(my apologies to those with queezy stomachs) and/or passing out. I was finally diagnosed with Mitral Valve Prolapse with Dysautonomia. The Dr. said that one of the best things I could do was drink a lot of water and continue running. I still get sick at times, and still not sure why, therefore not really sure on how to prevent it. I have taken several months off but I am starting to miss it and am determined to figure out how to run and not get sick to my stomach, so I'm going with a new approach!
Back to the Basics
I am used to running a 10 min mile, sometimes 9(on a good day). I realize that is not record time, but it's a good time for me. I was also used to running 2-3 miles consistently. So when I go for a run, those are the goals that I automatically tend to set for myself. I still get sick( more often than not lately). So I'm going with a different approach. Not to focus so much on time, but rather endurance. So I started back at square one. Literally, square one. The first day I ran 5min, walked 5min. I made myself hold back, obviously knowing I could go farther but I just wanted to focus on being consistent. I am now up to 2.5-3miles. I am not running it with as much ease as I had hoped, but it is definitely better. My plan is to finish this week out running 3 miles consistently and then to start my 1/2 marathon training plan next week. Only 10 weeks until the race!
Running Tips
I was doing a little research(I'm a dork, I will research just about anything) on running. I just wanted to see what other people had to say and any advice that I could incorporate with the knowledge I already have. There is actually TONS of info and opinions on the subject...some helpful, some not so helpful. Here are a few of the things I found.
Use a Running Program
I just googled different training programs, until I found one that I liked and best fit with my schedule.
(Will post a link once I get Home and check which website it was)
Set a Goal
My goal is to be able to run 13 miles by April 30th
I will be running the Music City Half Marathon and I am WAY excited!!!
Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate
This is hard for me. I have to make a conscious effort to drink enough. I drink water all of the time anyway, so that is not an issue, but I am just not naturally a "thirsty person". So I just have to force myself to get enough fluid. But I am doing better!
Eat a good high-protein Breakfast, then have a light lunch. Run on an empty stomach- at least two, preferrably three hours after your last meal. Save the carbs for the meal after the run to replenish the muscle sugar-at least an hour after your run.
This was the simplest description I could find. I get completely overwhelmed when you go to counting protein, calories, sugars, carbs etc. Its information overload. Diet is the hardest part of this whole thing for me. I am a french fries, choc covered peanuts kinda girl (not together just in general-I felt a clarification was in order;0)...So eating things that are good for me is a work in progress ;0)
Get a Good pair of running shoes
I have a pair, but I have worn them out. planning on purchasing a new pair in the very near future. I think my knees will appreciate it!
Belly Breathe
I'm sorry, what??? I do not understand what this means. It seems like it would cause me to hyperventilate. But a few different websites reffered to it, so I'm passing it along and plan on figuring out this method.
Cross Train
I signed up yesterday for Bodyshock Boot Camp. Sounds intense, yeah? I have no doubt that it will be! I start Monday. This will be my cross training for at least the next month. Not to mention that swimsuit season is approaching all too quickly! I'm depending on the fact that I will be living on the equator for 10 days to help take care of the pasty/transparent skin problem:0)
Warm up...Then Stretch
This was a new concept to me. I ALWAYS stretch first and sometimes I do not warm up. I just start running. Apparently stretching when your muscles are cold can do more bad than good. So I plan to change this up, in hopes to see better results.
Get a Cute Outfit that You Feel Good in for Motivation
I plan on doing this, but not for my everyday running. Tshirt and shorts that semi- match are sufficient ;0)
However, I am all girl. and a girls gotta look good... I will be purchasing a pair of bright colored, jazzy running shorts with matching shirt to wear on race day! It's actually one of the things I look forward the most. Crazy? possibly...but it makes me happy:0)
Another thing I am looking forward to is crossing that finish line!
I felt good when I crossed my 1st 5k finish line, but I can only imagine the exhilarating feeling you get when you complete your first half marathon...that's a big accomplishment!
I imagine it might be something like this

I am aware this pic is disturbing, but It made me giggle and I feel like something would have to be pretty good to make a pig smile!
Feel free to comment any advice you may have!
A little Bit of Randomness...
I Once was Blind, But Now I see
I had my eyes checked two weeks ago... and was told the very thing I was afraid of..."You have to have glasses and contacts" . I have procrastinated on getting them checked because I knew the end result, But I was beginning to become a hazard on the road and thought it would be best for others if I finally went:0)
I used to have perfect vision, I guess I'm getting old?!? :0/
Most of the time I think I wear my contacts inside out, but I'm learning to distinguish the difference. I am down to about 1-2 min instead of 20... on how long it takes me to get them in and out of my eyes.
My glasses came yesterday
Its only the first day, but Oh my word...It is going to take some getting used to. They have given me a Headache most of the day. However, I have gotten positive feedback, so that's a plus:0)
I also wanted to share a verse I read this Morning
I have set the Lord always before me. Because He is my right hand I will not be shaken" ~ Psalm 16:8
I got done with what I was supposed to read in the One year Bible reading plan a little earlier than normal this morning.I still had some time before I had to get up to get ready for work. I was just flipping through and found this verse.
I just LOVED it. We can do nothing by ourselves, but with God nothing is impossible. It was just a great way to start the day. I felt so empowered! :0)
Cross Train
I signed up yesterday for Bodyshock Boot Camp. Sounds intense, yeah? I have no doubt that it will be! I start Monday. This will be my cross training for at least the next month. Not to mention that swimsuit season is approaching all too quickly! I'm depending on the fact that I will be living on the equator for 10 days to help take care of the pasty/transparent skin problem:0)
Warm up...Then Stretch
This was a new concept to me. I ALWAYS stretch first and sometimes I do not warm up. I just start running. Apparently stretching when your muscles are cold can do more bad than good. So I plan to change this up, in hopes to see better results.
Get a Cute Outfit that You Feel Good in for Motivation
I plan on doing this, but not for my everyday running. Tshirt and shorts that semi- match are sufficient ;0)
However, I am all girl. and a girls gotta look good... I will be purchasing a pair of bright colored, jazzy running shorts with matching shirt to wear on race day! It's actually one of the things I look forward the most. Crazy? possibly...but it makes me happy:0)
Another thing I am looking forward to is crossing that finish line!
I felt good when I crossed my 1st 5k finish line, but I can only imagine the exhilarating feeling you get when you complete your first half marathon...that's a big accomplishment!
I imagine it might be something like this
I am aware this pic is disturbing, but It made me giggle and I feel like something would have to be pretty good to make a pig smile!
Feel free to comment any advice you may have!
A little Bit of Randomness...
I Once was Blind, But Now I see
I had my eyes checked two weeks ago... and was told the very thing I was afraid of..."You have to have glasses and contacts" . I have procrastinated on getting them checked because I knew the end result, But I was beginning to become a hazard on the road and thought it would be best for others if I finally went:0)
I used to have perfect vision, I guess I'm getting old?!? :0/
Most of the time I think I wear my contacts inside out, but I'm learning to distinguish the difference. I am down to about 1-2 min instead of 20... on how long it takes me to get them in and out of my eyes.
My glasses came yesterday
Its only the first day, but Oh my word...It is going to take some getting used to. They have given me a Headache most of the day. However, I have gotten positive feedback, so that's a plus:0)
I also wanted to share a verse I read this Morning
I have set the Lord always before me. Because He is my right hand I will not be shaken" ~ Psalm 16:8
I got done with what I was supposed to read in the One year Bible reading plan a little earlier than normal this morning.I still had some time before I had to get up to get ready for work. I was just flipping through and found this verse.
I just LOVED it. We can do nothing by ourselves, but with God nothing is impossible. It was just a great way to start the day. I felt so empowered! :0)
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