In the last year and a half or so I have learned to like reading. It's amazing how enjoyable something can be when you are not forced to or when it is not in relation to school. I have read several good books in the past year and a half or so. I am not a person who will have a book in her hand ALL the time but I have learned to enjoy it.
I am currently reading "Radical" by David Platt
This Book has absolutely rocked my world!!!
And most definitely brought on conviction. I have loved it and I am making changes that I feel need to be made in my life.
If I quoted everything that I deemed "quote worthy" I would probably just copy the book onto here...So instead I suggest you read it yourself! But, I do want to mention some things that have been on my mind lately.
Last week sometime I read Chapter 7. It took me a while to get through it because I really wanted the things that David Platt was talking about to sink in. This particular Chapter just really hit me hard and had me just heartbroken for people who have never had the chance to hear the Gospel. In fact, I went on to Chapter 8 and then in the middle of this week, I went back and read 7 again.
Some of what He talks about within this Chapter are as follows...
There is No Plan B
Why going is Urgent, not optional
More than 4.5 billion people in the world today are without Christ
More than a billion have NEVER heard the gospel
What happens to these people when they die?
This is one of the most important questions facing Christianity in America today.
"If people will go to heaven simply based on their Native religious preferences there is no urgency for any of us to go to them. But if they will go to heaven because they have never heard of Christ, then there is indescribable urgency for all of us to go to them. If people are dying and going to hell without ever even knowing there is a gospel, then we clearly have no time to waste our lives on the American Dream."
Feeling the "Urgency" yet??? If not, just wait...:0)
What does the Bible say about people who never hear of Jesus? Are they "innocent" because they have not heard? Is it something that every person is entitled to? And if they do not...Do they get a "free pass" to heaven.
According to Romans 3
10) As it is written: "There is no one righteous, not even one;
11) There is no one who understands, no one who seeks God.
12)All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one."
Platt goes on to say, " There are no innocent people in the World just waiting to hear the gospel. Instead there are people all over the world standing guilty before a holy God, and that is the very reason they need the Gospel"
So if there are a billion people in this world who need the Gospel...How will it get to them?
Let's read Romans 10
13) For, Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved
14) How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?
15) And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!"
Based on scripture,Platt breaks it down perfectly for us...
"The simple divine plan for taking the gospel to all the peoples of the world.
God sends his servants>>> His servants preach>>> People Hear >>>
Hearers believe>>> Believers call>>>
Every one who calls is saved"
"Now look back at this progression and ask one question: Is there any place where this plan can break down?....there is only one potential break down in this progression- When Servants of God do not Preach the Gospel to All peoples."
"We are the Plan of God, there is NO plan B"
"God Clearly has decided to use the church- and only the church- as the means by which his gospel will go to the ends of the earth"
"If this is true, then the implications for our lives are huge. If more than a billion people today are headed to a Christless eternity and have not heard the gospel, then we don't have times to waste our lives on the American Dream"
Some people are unable for various reasons to physically go on a mission trip. With that being said, If God lays it on your heart to participate in a mission trip. LISTEN! Do not listen to the enemy when he tells you, "I can't come up with the money, or I can't get off work, or this just isn't the right time" If God wants you to Go...which we just determined through scripture that he in fact does...Then, have Faith. He will provide a way. But, you have to take steps in that direction.
I want to end by telling one of my "God stories"
( I have many, but I'll stick with one for now;0)
In Oct of 2009 I was supposed to leave for Nicaragua to be part of a medical mission trip. The total cost of the trip was around $1100.00. I had been trying to save but it seemed like at the same time a ton of unexpected expenses came up and I was barely holding my head above water financially, much less had anything extra to save for the trip.
I really felt like the Lord wanted me to go on this trip, but around $600.00 was due for the plane ticket and I had no idea where it was going to come from. I got very nervous and started to think maybe I would have to back out of the trip. I was praying and trying to have faith, but I was down to less than a week before it was due and still was not even close to having the money. I put it in the Lord's hands. Little did I know...God had a plan far bigger than I could have imagined as to how He would provide the money for me to go on this trip.
On the Sunday before the Wed that the money was due(still with me?:0) I visited Center point Free Will Baptist Church. Several of my very close friends and people that I look up to go to church there. Most of them claim me as their own and I just love them. Anyway, at the end of the service Bro. Glenn started kinda talking to me and asking me questions about my trip. It was not out of the ordinary, he is always interested in what is going on with me and likes to be updated. He asked me to come up to the front. I still wasn't really sure what was going on, I thought maybe he wanted to pray for me or something. He started talking about how much he and the people of the church loved me, were proud of me, and were excited that I was able to go and that they wanted to help me. He handed me a card. My eyes filled up with tears and I began to cry. He went on to tell me that they had taken up a little over $600.00. I could barely speak. I was so overwhelmed by God and His provision and faithfulness. I could not believe they had taken up that much money for me. He said, "we have taken this up for 2 weeks and we will have one more week to give people a chance to give." CPFWBC is a small church, but they do not let that stop them. They have a HUGE heart for missions and do their part to impact the Kingdom.They gave because the Lord layed it on their heart to do so, and even though I have thanked them numerous times I do not think they will ever know the impact that it made on my life. They were just being obedient to God, they had no idea about the place I was financially or about how extremely stressed out about it I was. They had no idea how much relief came into my life at that single moment, and words can't really explain it. When it was all said and done they gave a little over $700.00!!! They helped me pay for 3/4 of my trip and made it possible for me to go. I will never forget it.
About a week later, I went to prayer at GFBC. We would pray every Wed night for the Generation service to follow on Thursday. After prayer Jody Dial came up to me and said, " I have a friend that asked me if there was anyone going on the trip that needed help financially. I think everyone else is pretty much set...but I wanted to check with you and see if you could use the help?" I let out a huge sigh, smiled, my eyes filled with tears and I began to tell him what had happened the week before, and that I was so amazed at how God was providing. God had also provided for him too! He shared his story with me. It was really cool to share stories about how BIG God is. I love it!
Because all of these people were obedient to Christ, I was able to go and be a part of the medical team.
We were able to physically touch over 1200 people in 3 1/2 clinic days and share the story of Jesus with each one of them. The 2nd village we went to had never heard the name of Jesus before. We treated 800 people in that village alone, and as a result a meeting was held on our last night there, and they decided to plant a church!!! Not only that, but we had many Salvations and about 12 Baptisms the morning we left!!!
I say all this to make several points...
- Do not make excuses for not being able to do what we are called to do. God will provide a way. Have Faith.
- Not just me and the rest of the people that physically went with me to Nicaragua made a difference in these peoples lives and introduced Christ to them...but each and every person that gave, prayed, supported, and encouraged were just as much a part also.
- If the Lord prompts you to do something...I encourage you to Obey. Whether it be to help financially or just give a word of encouragement, You never know the impact you will have on people or where they are in life. Often times you will receive a blessing in return.
- There are multiple ways to "take the Gospel to all peoples" . Find a way. Impact the Nations. Don't sit around asking God what His will is... We know his will. TO PROCLAIM HIS NAME!
"However, I consider My life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me- the task of testifying to the good news of God's grace"
Acts 20: 24
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