Day 6
October 14, 2011
Stowe, Vermont
Turn’s out we did make it for the morning bike ride after all!
I woke up around 0800 and looked out the window…It was raining.
My initial thought, “well doesn’t look like a bike ride is gonna happen”. I laid back down, but knew I was not going to be able to fall back asleep, so I looked at Stacey and said, “should we just go? I mean, we are in Vt” She was game…Grace Anne? Not so much! we left her in the bed…
20 min later, Despite the rain, we were geared up and ready to go!
sleepy eyes, unbrushed hair and all

The ride was actually really nice. I turned on Pandora on my phone and enjoyed the cool air. The rain wasn’t even very heavy until the end of the ride.
the leaves had fallen in the path overnight
one of my favorite pics. So pretty!
this morning I only made it a little over 9 miles
let’s just say I was feeling the effects of yesterdays ride.
After our ride, Stacey and I had worked up an appetite and were ready to see what all the hype was about with the famous Maple Syrup.
We picked Grace Anne up and headed for
The Dutch Pancake house
Let me just tell you, last nights dinner takes the cake on best dinner, but these pancakes
take the Blue ribbon on the best pancakes I have EVER had
The Dutch people know what they are doing! WAY better than American. I don’t even know how to describe them. They are thinner and just well…
perfect! I got one blueberry and one regular. I was very satisfied.
Once we finished breakfast, we went back to the room and got ready for the day.
On the agenda? we don’t have one! and it’s so nice!We ended up going to this Cider place.
It was cool. It had different places set up to taste the different jams, jellies, and syrups
you could also watch them make the apple cider
in front of the cider press
After we finished up there, we paid a visit to
we had a buy one get one coupon…it pays to stop in at the visitor center

It was ok I guess…but I have had better
We then, went back toward where we were staying an walked thru the town and went in some shops.
On into the afternoon, I admitted that I was pretty exhausted. We declared it nap time, and went back to the room to lay down for a little while.
It took me a minute to fall asleep, but once I did… I slept GOOD! I’m considering stealing the covers. They are sooo comfy!
There was a local place called Matterhorn that some local girls had recommended to us. They had a band playing there tonight, but not until 9, so we decided to do a late dinner.
After we rested we got ready and went to eat dinner. It was a pretty cool atmosphere. We were happy to finally be around people our own age

we just hung out, shot some pool
and marveled at the mad dance skills ( total sarcasm) these people seemed to possess.
Not even kidding, watching these people dance shuffle and hair-whip was one of the highlights of the night.
But the girl in the tie dye onesie topped it all. Style, make-up, and blow dryers is not something Stowe is known for…guess it’s a good thing they have maple syrup to fall back on.
We had a fun last night in Vermont. Tomorrow we head back to Portland.
Sad the trip is coming to an end, Can’t I just extend it another week???