Sunday, October 9, 2011

12 pounds overweight

Grace Anne arrives at my house at 5 a.m. this morning with a HUGE suitcase.
To which my first remark is…”Umm, is that thing under 50 lbs ???”
She had no idea that there was a weight limit for checked bags. I picked it up and thought it would be o.k.

I was wrong, by 12 pounds!!!
Luckily it was early and the airport was not crowded,so we were able to move some stuff around.
However, we did have to make her leave her 5lb Bible at home. She will have to use the Gideon Bible for this trip, and perhaps I will buy her a “slimline” for Christmas Laughing out loud

Maine 001
strategizing people! 
Maine 002

My luggage was 3 lbs over. I moved my socks to my carry-on which is already border line to big…got it to 51, and the lady allowed me a pound.
Chris gave us some tips on packing “military style”, which we will put to good use on the way home!

Over the course of this trip you will here me refer, on multiple occasions I’m sure, to a “goat rodeo”.
Now Urban dictionary defines that term as this:
“A chaotic situation, often one that involves several people, each with a different agenda/vision/perception of what’s going on; a situation that is very difficult,despite energy and efforts, to instill an sense or order into”

I would say that is pretty right on….
chaos being the key term here. Boshell and I have travelled together a good bit (short and long trips) and these type of instances seem to 0ccur quite often. Grace Anne isn’t entirely aware of what she is in forWinking smile
To name a few:
* scanning her car on the side of the road in the middle of the night with our flashlight app, because it sounded like we may have left a portion of it behind, on the interstate
* caught in a monsoon in the middle of Africa, when 0.5 seconds ago the weather was beautiful
* on a “boda boda” with a man we don’t know in Africa, the rest of the team is nowhere in sight, we run out of gas, pray we get to our destination

there are countless others, but I’m sure you get the point
and you are now well educated on what I mean when I say “goat rodeo” … in case there was any confusion

But we love it! keeps it interesting, and through these instances, Boshell and I have formed a lasting friendship!
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We are currently sitting in the Detroit airport. We have a 3 hour layover Confused smile
We fly out at 2pm and arrive in Portland around 4pm.

Let’s see what adventures we get ourselves into this time!!! 

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