Tuesday, November 8, 2011

on to the next chapter

Last night we had a going away get together for my dear friend

Samuel Thomas Benton

I met Sam back in the 9th grade. I went to a small school, Tabernacle Christian, and was fortunately blessed with the best class mates ever! Our class was very close, and many of us remain in touch with each other to this day. They are some of my very best friends and I thank God that he placed such incredible people in my life.

Last night several of those friends and I got together to see him before he makes the move to Tampa. He has been very involved as a staff member for the basement, here in Birmingham, the last few years, and has now been offered the opportunity to go serve with a new ministry in Tampa, Fl.

I failed to take any pictures of last night...slacker I know :0/, so I thought it would be fun to take a blast from the past and reminisce over some of the past years we have had together. I had a little trouble locating some, but here are a few of what I found....

starting with our senior year...

picture quality is astounding I know...


on the ferry...going to the Statue of Liberty
Katie and I are rockin' the 'butt cuts' ;0)

fast forward to about 2009...and this basically sums it up!

As I was driving home last night I was thinking about all of us and who we were in highschool vs who we are now. We have all grown and changed tremendously. We have grown into the person God would have us to become and I think it's safe to say that we have all done things we never dreamed were in His plan for us. He obviously isn't done with us yet. God will continue to grow us, change us, and equip us to carry out the things He will have us do in the future as long as we continue to let Him. You, however stick out as one of the ones that has allowed God to take you so much farther in your christian walk since we were sitting in the back of the class in Mrs Overby's room, writing notes on the calculator or in code so that noone else could read them( I can't believe I justy admitted we did that!). You have walked through the door God has opened for you and because of that you are changing the world for Christ! I am so proud of you. Thank you for your friendship over the past years and the years to come. Thank you for being a phone call away when I just needed someone to listen to what I had to say, and for just calling to see how I'm doing and if everything was going ok every once in a blue moon. Those phone calls always seem to come at the right time. Thank you for being the kind of friend that even though we do not talk nearly as much as we used to....we can just pick back up where we left off and fill in the gaps. I am sad to see you go, But so excited to see what the Lord has in store for your future!!!! Keep rockin' the this world for Christ and stay on fire for Him. Make thousands of brand new memories, have a blast, but don't forget to keep in touch. Love you to pieces bud, and I wish you the very best!!!!

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