Friday, March 25, 2011

Leavin' on a Jet Plane

Well... not quite a jet plane... more like Delta airlines

BUT IT'S FINALLY HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are rolling out on a pretty fly yellow short bus at 9:30 AM
and heading to Atlanta

I want to thank everyone who has called, texted, emailed, and messaged me this week to let me know you are commited to praying for me. It means so much to me and I thank you so Much!!!!

I also want to thank everyone who has supported me through encouragement, support financially, and most importantly prayers. I will never forget it and I am forever thankful. You are just as much a part of this trip and what God will do as I am.

I am so thankful to God for orchestrating every little detail to make things fall into place and allow me to be a part of this team. I am on pins and needles waiting to see all that God has waiting for us in Uganda.

As you keep me in your prayers I ask that you pray for...
  • God to guide our steps and direct our paths
  • that God goes before us and opens the eyes hearts and ears of each person we are to come in contact with and that we are a reflection of Christ
  • Health- that nobody on the team gets sick and that we are able to be used to our full potential
  • we have many many bags and suitcases of supplies...please pray that everything runs smoothly and that we are able to get everything over there without a glitch and then also that everything arrives on time

A friend sent me some verses that He would be praying over our team while we are gone
I absolutley loved them

"The Lord keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever"
Psalm 121:8

"and that whenever you begin to speak the right words would come so that you can boldly make known the mystery of the gospel"
Ephesians 6:19

and another friend sent me

"For surely, O Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield"
Psalm 5:12

Love you all!
AHHH I'm so excited!!!! :0)
Can't wait to share with you, all that the Lord does!
He is Awesome! (to say the least:0))

Packed Up and Ready to GO

What a busy day it has been!!!
but I am proud to say it was very productive

My sister, Breanna, and I have been busy busy getting everything in order for me to leave since I have not had the time to get it done prior to now

Last night I had a few things to pick up such as a travel pillow and cliff bars
I treated myself to a double chocolaty chip Frappachino along the way:0)
Hey...It will be a while before I can have one again

We started our day out this morning with a nutritional breakfast at Chick Fil A
I treated her to breakfast...She helped me clean my house :0)

We then did the typical Wal Mart trip to get last minute things
It took us FoReVeR, I kept forgetting things. I walked down the same isle 5 times
The bad part is that I could not remember when I got there what I went down that isle for and kept having to go back...My memory is currently shot

Breanna was more concerned with some man that kept following us...I never even noticed him

Beautiful day!
sunroof back, Dancin' to Taylor Swift:0)

LOVE her!

We cleaned my house and washed remaining clothes in 2 1/2 hours!
I always have to have house cleaned and sheets washed before going out of town
Sadly, this time Lexi did not get a bath...But the house is smelling good!

Went to see Nanny and Poppy
They gave me $50 for my trip AND a hershey bar:0)

Went to Boot camp
Wasn't too bad...Thankfully
We did various relays and our team won!!!

went by to see my mom
"The Last Supper"
consisted of Fettucinni alfredo and homemade biscuits! MMM

Around 8:45 I FINALLY began to pack

reading materials
I don't plan to be awake for most of the traveling, but just in case my friend lent me a book she said was really good

Most Important:
travel journal, Passport, Immunization card

Also VERY important
Apparently there are these bugs called jiggers (no I did not meant to say chiggers) that burrow into your skin and turn in worms, so you have to clean your feet really well

3oz toiletries in 1 Qt bag!

testing out my travel pillow and blanket

All packed up!!!

So glad to be done with everything!!!!

On the agenda...
Its 1AM.... headed to Taco Bell (late night munchies) and then watching a movie
Who needs sleep anyway? ;0)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Precision, Procrastination, and Freedom


A couple of days ago I downloaded a GPS app to my phone
I would love a Garmin running watch, but am not willing to spend the money on it quite yet.

However, I do need a better option to know precisely how far I am running, at what pace and most importantly How much farther I have to go

I was supposed to run yesterday but opted for a 45 min nap and some ribs instead :0)

I did talk my sister in to going for a walk with me last night, so I was able to test the app out some.
There were several to choose from, so I wanted to make sure the one I chose to download did what I needed it to.

The app is called Endomondo
I really like it. It tracks time, distance, speed, and calories
Im not crazy about having to wear my phone on my arm, but I'll get over it

I also found that it provides music
I tried it out on our walk last night. I have no clue what song it was or who the singer was
but I liked the beat and broke it down in the middle of the road, to which my sisters response was,
" Are you on something?" yeah... that how awesome my dance moves are ;0)

I enjoyed our walk so much!
I love running at night. If my scheduled allowed I would run at night every time I went.
I love running under the stars, it's usually cooler , and just all around more enjoyable

I haven't done a night run in a while
The sky was clear and the stars were beautiful!



I have been having issues with procrastination lately for some reason
Not sure what my deal is, but I made a vow to change it after last night

I kept putting off/forgetting to take my prescriptions for Africa to the pharmacy
I FINALLY dropped them off yesterday afternoon
When I went back to pick them up I realized my Typhoid prescription was for 4 days(which I remembered) but I have to take it every other day....a week prior to possible exposure

and yeah...I have 2 days until I leave. The med also has to be refrigerated. I tried calling the airlines to see if they would let me put it on the fridge on the plane but couldn't get connected to the right people.

I researched Typhoid today
Good news is...death is RARE!
I'm sure I will be fine, It still makes me a little nervous but there isn't really anything I can do at this point:0/

Leaving it in the Lord's hands



As of 3:15pm
no work for 12 days!!!

clocking out today was the BEST feeling ever!

Delirium set in approximately 36 hours ago
causing MANY giggles, made up/mis-pronounced words, and short term memory loss
but it's ALL good!


Well...I have much to do!
Have a great afternoon:0)

Monday, March 21, 2011

A Reward Worth Risking it All

Bootcamp kicked my Boootayy tonight!

The instructor said, "we are going back to the basics since we had last week off (for spring break) I don't want to kill you. What a joke!!! It was the hardest class yet!

Let's just say.. Superman is no longer my hero and wall squats are from Satan!

My heart almost beat straight out of my chest. I would have counted to see how fast it was beating. All I had to do was lay my hand on my stomach, but momma didn't teach me to count that high ;0)

However, I did survive. I just might need to start heading in to work a little earlier tomorrow to allow time to get up the stairs

Dancing with the Stars
Started tonight!

We watched some of it after small group
At first I didn't think I really liked the cast this year, but I changed my mind
I think I am going to enjoy it!

Derek and Chelsea are my favorite pro dancers
and I haven't decided yet who I like on the stars side of it

Kendra made me laugh when she referred to it as "proper dancing"

I really wish I was a good dancer
I try... but I just wasn't blessed with rhythm :0/
I would love to take dance lessons one day and give it a go ;0)

...that way when I am discovered, and become a Star, they will beg me to be on the show;0)


I finished reading Radical
If you have not read it, I highly encourage you to take the time to do so
This book has completely changed My way of thinking

In the last Chapter, Platt challenges us to a "Radical Experiment"
One year to a life turned upside down

Platt writes,
 "Ultimate Satisfaction is found not in making much of ourselves but in making much of God. Ultimately Jesus is a reward worth risking everything to know, experience, and enjoy.

But claims such as these remain theories until they are tested. That is the reason for the experiment. As you test a claim, you discover either its futility or its reality. And once you discover a claim's reality, then you're more likely to adjust your perspective, rearrange your thoughts, and alter your life around that truth. It will turn your life upside down- or really, right side up ( I Love this:0) )

So I challenge you to an experiment. I dare you to test the claims contained in the gospel, maybe in a way you have never done before. I invite you to see if radical obedience to the commands of Christ is more meaningful, more fulfilling, and more gratifying than the American Dream. And I guarantee you that if you complete this experiment, you will possess an insatiable desire to spend the rest of your life in radical abandonment to Christ for his glory in all the world.
We'll call it the Radical Experiment"

He continues to talk about the challenge being a year and the reasons why He chose this time frame.
The challenge involved 5 components
He dares the reader for the next year to...
1. Pray for the entire World
2. Read through the entire Word
3. Sacrifice your money for a specific purpose
4. spend your time in another context
5. Commit your life to a multiplying community

Platt spends the rest of the chapter further breaking down each component and explaining what each one looks like.

I am accepting the Challenge!
I know it will not be easy, and there will certainly be days that I fall short
But it will most definitely be rewarding!
I am excited to see what God will do in My life :0)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

6 miles!!!

AND STILL STANDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I ran at a new track yesterday
3 miles down and 3 miles back
I knew if I did not have to pass my car, I had a better chance at not giving up
I LOVED it. It was beautiful!
great way to enjoy God's creation

I was nauseated for about the last 3.5 miles but made myself push through it. I realized when I was done it was because I was running so much faster than I have been lately, but there werent any mile markers so I couldnt pace myself. I am not to the point where I just love it when I'm running yet (hoping that comes soon). But I sure do love the feeling when I'm done!!!

raising the roof because I just ran 6 miles in 57.15!
Longest distance AND fastest time:0)

My ipod was dead, so I could hear peoples convos as I ran past them (not because I'm fast, but because I was running in the opposite direction) The most interesting thing I heard was a lady say "...Well I can't date my best friends Husband"
I'm glad she came to that realization :0/

I ran beside an ice cold creek the whole time
It was HOT and I just wanted to hurl my body in at times
I promised myself if I finished, that I would treat myself to a wade in the creek




After I completed my photo shoot ;0)
I just layed back on the rocks and rested
SO peaceful!
Definitely gonna go back to that spot to spend some time reading

(in case noone has told you... red face and white legs are the new style for spring;0)


New addition to the Fam...
Meet Callie

My brothers new dog
I have mixed feelings about this. Yeah she is cute but I have a feeling she will get big and in turn cause strife between my brother and I because I won't want her in the house and He thinks it's cruel to put her out.
We will see. Staying calm about it for now...


Feels like Summer!
Loving the weather:0)

 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
Phil 3:14

P.S. I'm on the last stretch of work...only 3 more days! haven't packed a thing, but it will get done
I have noticed I'm begginning to form bags under my eyes from lack of sleep:0/
Maybe I should invest in some cucumbers before it progresses to dark circles??? ;0)

Friday, March 18, 2011

do re me fa so la te do

Today I went and spent the day with My Friend Whitney
She had her baby a few weeks ago and life has been so crazy, I have yet to see her

Abigail Noelle Wilson

So sweet!
It was such a relaxing day
It was good to catch up with her and be lazy

Abigail and I after our nap
can't remember the last time I had one of those;0)

We also watched "Meet Me in St Louis". I liked it (the part I was awake for)
Whit LOVES musicals
and then we watched "Sound of Music"
I wish I had an Austrian/German? accent
and that I could yodle....well (that's the key word)
I try...but it's not very pretty;0)

My mom and sisters are at the beach
I'm a little jealous...but enjoyed the day here and didn't have to ride in the car

They sent me a pic though!

I'm not counting or anything!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day

When I got up for work this morning I wasn't really sure what day it was
Much less remember that it was St Patrick's Day

I walked out of my bedroom to find this
Someone didn't forget what day it was...
And yes, He really wore this to work
For those of you who don't already know, this would be my brother...Tyler


You know what tomorrow is???
a day off!!!
I'm super pumped:0)
(I'm already aware that I'm uncool, so I can say that)


I'm not gonna spend a lot of time on here tonight because I just want some chill time.
but I have decided to do better about my verse memorization skills.

I do not naturally have good memorization skills. It's weird because I can remember a lot of things from the past pretty vividly that people said or did or whatever, but if you ask me if I liked a movie I watched 6 months ago, I probably will not remember much about it...unless I've seen it numerous times (Remember the Titans/ How To Lose A Guy in 10 days). I'm the same way with verses. I can recall portions of scripture and generally find it pretty quickly, but don't always remember the specific passage off the top of my head.

I want to be better. I want to be able to recall scripture and know with confidence where exactly it can be found.

So I am committing to being better disciplined at memorizing.
I am going to pick 3 verses every 2 weeks and recite them over and over, write them on index cards, whatever it takes to burn it in my brain

These are the 3 I'm currently working on...

Hebrews 12:1
Therefore since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perserverance the race marked out for us.

John 10:10
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly

Galatians 5:1
It was for freedom that Christ set us free, therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to the yoke of slavery

Have a great night!!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

temptation everywhere

tonights post will be quick and surface...

Because this girl be SO TIRED!!!!

Tomorrow is day 10 of work...I was thinking, "I have been handling this well. I have not been too tired"

I worked out a "deal" at work and did my 12 hour shift today instead of tomorrow. So I am glad to be getting off at 3 tomorrow. However, I agreed to work for a friend Saturday also. The up side is that I get to be off April 23rd for the DC Easter carnival. The down side is I have not left time to rest OR most importantly...PACK! Oh well...It will get done, It has to:0)

If ya see me next week and I start giggling for no reason, don't be alarmed.... delirium has taken its toll. Fortunately, for those around me, I'm generally not a mean tired person. I just get delirious and tend to space out easily. So along with the giggling, if I stare at you after you finish a sentence...just give me a minute, I will eventually process it.
 God bless those that will be with me for 10 days:0)

So what's the deal with the title of this post?
Let me just tell ya

In relation to the over-consumption of the Reese's peanut butter eggs...

My friend, Anna, texted me today. She looked up the calories for one egg...and good news!
They are actually only 90 calories:0)
I would have guess about 180, so I was kinda glad to hear it

I am a picky eater and unfortunately do not like most things that are good for me.
In the past year, I have been consciously trying to make better eating choices. Not really for weight loss purposes, but to be healthier. I have actually learned to like a lot of things, so I am pleased with my progress. I feel much healthier also.

Today I decided I was going to "eat good" all day
Since I have kinda fallen off the band wagon lately.

I was too lazy to pack my lunch this morning, so I had to go to the cafateria. I try not to go down there often because I always come back with cheeseburger and fries. Today I resisted the temptation and got a salad and cut up a chicken breast and put it on top. It was really good! We won't talk about how much ranch dressing was on it though ;0/

On the way home I stopped by Pelf's so she could cut my hair. There were cupcakes leftover from the Bachelor party...guess which flavor I just couldn't resist???
Chocolate with Peanut Butter Icing!!!

I left there...had not had dinner
wanna know what my other weakness is?

Wanna win me over on something? Bring me Milo's and peanut butter and your odds are already pretty good;0)

So yes...I went thru the Milo's drive thru
I have gotta get a grip! I have to say "NO"

Part of my problem is there are no groceries in my house and it's easier to get fast food.
But it's starting to make me feel sluggish and uhealthy
Well a trip to Wal-Mart is in order for tomorrow and chocolate will not be in the buggy I assure you!

On to other things...
The rest of the the free Sod got layed today!
My brother said he would finish but it never got done, so today a couple guys went to my house and did it for me out of the goodness of their hearts. I am so grateful!!!
Now I just have to keep it alive :0/

I finished "Radical". I want to do a final post on that and also on The Priscilla Shirer study I have started, but those require brain cells...which I am currently they are soon to come:0)

Hope everyone is having a Fabulous week so far!
The shower and my bed are calling my name! I'm still struggling with the time change BTW! promised...tonights post was pretty much non sense.But here is a little something with substance:0)

“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” - Colossians 3:12

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Life's little Indulgences

As Easter draws near...
You know what that means???

Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs!!!!!
I went to Wal-Mart yesterday to pick up some plastic Easter eggs for a small group project
and was completely excited to see these sitting on the shelf!

I have to confess...I have eaten 5 of these in the past 28 hours:0/

I know what you are thinking...
"She needs Self Control!"
I completely agree with you, they are just SO GOOD!
I refuse to look at how many calories one of these contain, because once I multiply it by 5, I know all the miles I have ran in probably the last month would not even make up for it.
In this situation ignorance is Bliss!

My Solution:
Don't buy anymore unless I want to go up a pant size
Because clearly controlling myself and spreading them out is not attainable

Out of the pack of 6, I did However share one...That's gotta count for something right???

Small Group

We had small group again last night
Dinner was DELISH!

We had Chicken Cordon Bleau, roasted potatoes, salad, and zucchinni sauteed with Fetta
Oh and lets not forget the chocolate cookies with White Chocolate Chips!!! MMM :0)

After Dinner we stuffed 380 eggs with Candy and taped them shut

Why 380?... Well we actually need 10,000!

The day before Easter, Sat April 23, We are having a huge carnival in the park across from the Church
( BTW everyone is invited!)
We are going to drop 10,000 easter eggs from a helicopter!!!

Therefore, a lot of the small groups are stuffing eggs:0)
We will be doing the same thing next week!
It was also a great time of fellowship... Love my small group girls!!!

The Final Rose

Last night was also the Bachelor Finale!

I had planned on going over to Brittany's Party after small group, but we ended up watching it at Autumn's and once I got comfy...I decided to stay put:0)

I already knew who would win
Brittany doesn't like to get "emotionally invested" , So she finds out through "reality Steve" who will win.
I still enjoyed watching it...Yes, I am aware at how unrealistic it is, but I still Like it
And I was pleased with His decision:0)

This is my rose Britt gave me, in case I didn't make it last night:0)

Pain Free!
well... for the most part

After I ran 4 miles last Friday, my left knee was in Severe pain!
It hurt pretty bad during my run... But after I was finished it only got worse. I was unable to walk down the stairs and I couldn't really bend it at all.

I'm not really sure, but it seems as though it could have been some sort of tendinitis
Truthfully, I don't care what it was, I just needed for it to quit hurting!

Saturday at work, I researched this knee brace made by protech. I have seen people wear these on their knees...but also, a lot of time on their elbows. I would think, "how does that little band possibly even make a difference?" However, even though I was skeptical...It had great reviews, so I figured I would try it out.


I ran 5 miles on Sunday afternoon and 3 miles today, and did not experience any knee pain!
Apparently it applies pressure in just the right place on the patella and helps support it.
I give it 2 thumbs up!

The rest of my legs felt like they were going to fall off...I assume that will get better as I get stronger
But I am pleased to not be dragging my left leg behind me;0)

Ran a new route thru the middle of G'dale today. The highlight was the older lady holding the Little Ceasers' sign, doing the cupid shuffle. It entertained me for a good 30 seconds as I ran by;0) Good Stuff!!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

6 Months!

First things First!
I ran my long run today, and I ran 5 miles!!!!
This is a big deal to me... Prior to today the farthest I have ever run was 4 miles (and I have only done that twice) I was very proud of myself. Running is definitely a mental sport. I wanted to give up so many times but I pushed through it and completed my goal! :0)
and Oh how I have missed the 70 degree weather!!!!!!

Shout out to Anna and Jeremy Richter
for completing their long run of 6 miles today! :0)
Jeremy has already ran a half marathon, but has had a knee that's great that He was able to do 6!


Today was Desperation Church's 6 month anniversary!
In 6 months we have had over 100 salvations and I think over 50 baptism!!!
and countless testimonies of how God id moving in Peoples lives

God is working in a HUGE way at DC and the city of Cullman.
He has absolutely Blown us away with all that He is doing and has blessed us with.
All of the Glory and Honor goes to our Savior!!!

I was sad I had to work today and did not get to go to the service,
they put together a slide show of some of the stuff DC has been involved in since the start of the church.
If I can get my hands on it, I will post it

I cannot wait to see what God has up His sleeve for the Future ;0)

A couple pics from outreach projects...

Community Blitz
We helped Mandy decorate and learn to throw things away! ;0)
She was a pro by the end of the day!

the guys spruced up her yard

fall carnival!


I am so looking forward to a day off tomorrow!!!
I just finished my 7(days of work). I have tomorrow off, but then go back for 3 more days to make up for the time I will miss while in Africa, have 3 days off, go back for 5...then leave for Africa!
Mix all the social activities in too, and I've got myself a packed 2 weeks!
I think its safe to say there will not be a need for sedatives to help me sleep on the plane!:0)

I have a jillion things to do in my one little day off I pray I wake up in a productive mood;0)

Tomorrow night is the Bachelor Finale though!
I'm excited about it. My friend Brittany is hosting a party at her house...I have small group, so I will go late.
In case I do not make it she went ahead and gave me my rose:0)
I told her "I would be honored to take it" ;0)
I love parties at her house. She is such a fabulous hostess and there is always good food!

Hope everyone has a phenominal week!!!

"...If God is for us, who can be against us!"
Romans 8:31

So glad God is "for" me :0)

Friday, March 11, 2011

The Countdown Begins

Where has the time gone???
This week has flown by
Last Friday I was thinking, "Africa is 3 weeks away, it's taking forever"
Then it's like I blinked and it's a week later!

This week has been a GREAT week and Oh so busy!
I don't think I have gotten in bed a second before 11pm this week...
And with waking up at 4:40AM everyday , I am ready for sleeping in on Monday!!!

We are down to 14 DAYS before I leave!!!!!

Last night we had a packing party and packed up most of our supplies that we are taking to the Orphanage

We had a living room full of stuff!
diapers, wipes, formula, toothbrushes, toothepaste, toys, children's clothes and shoes, clothes and shoes for the nannys, puppets, splints, bathing products, etc.

We had great team work and packed up 11 suitcases (under 50lbs of course) in around an hour and a half
When it's all said and done, I think we will have around 13 suitcases to check along with a few wheelchairs
Looking forward to spending 10 days with this group :0))
I have a feeling there won't be a dull moment!

Arm splints anyone??

Hey...ya gotta have the necessities

remember the comment about not having a "dull moment"?
see what I'm sayin' ?

We are gonna do a puppet show!
Already practicing my voice that I'm gonna use:0)
(TJ is going to be my running partner while we are in Africa (which means getting up VERY early)...He also wants me to do "endurance/strength training" with Him. My response... contorted face, wrinkled up nose and "uhh yeah...maybe"

One step closer! Ready to see those sweet babies!!!!

*****Prayer Request***

Damali (director od Sonrise) emailed me Yesterday morning, and asked if I would be willing to sell Some African beads that the women hand make there to help raise money for the baby Home. They are struggling financially. I told her I absolutely would. They are assorted colors and different lengths. They will be $10. I am looking for them in the mail, but it will obviously take a little bit. I will do a post about them once I receive them.
 If you think you may be interested go ahead and text me if you have my number or email me at Its ok to FB me but I'm taking a break from FB for a while, so you probably will not get a timely response.

In the mean time...please lift the baby home up in prayer that they will get more commited sponsors, as they are so rapidly growing and need a way to provide for these prescious babies.

Also don't forget the people of Japan
I am so heartbroken for them, as their world has been completely turned upside down
I just cannot imagine
Lets keep them lifted in our prayers!
kinda puts our "problems" into perspective doesn't it?

I Hope everyone enjoys the weekend!!!
I think the weather is supposed to be pretty:0)

P.S. I completed 4 miles today...and aside from some knee pain, feeling good!!!
I basically just cancelled out the strawberry cake I ate after lunch today

But it was TOTALLY worth it!!! :0)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

HILLSONG- "God Uses Ordinary People to do the Extraordinary"

The Hillsong concert worship service was last night...
It was phenomenal!!!

Breanna and I went, and we had so much fun!

"we got tickets" photo...we took the same pic a couple years ago when we saw Hillsong at Cathedral

"we don't want to walk in the monsoon :0(" ...
I literally prayed most of the way there for a good parking place

"Oh my goodness!!!!!"

"We are parked front row!"
I really screamed when we found this space...My fuchsia suede heels were also thankful:0)
God is Good!

Just wanted a pic with my cute Umbrella:0)

Anxiously waiting!

"You hold the Universe, You hold everyone on earth...All I need is YOU!"
I have heard this song so many times, but last night I just really let the words sink in.
Ya'll... God is just SO BIG! Why do we let ourselves forget that so many times?
But He truly is ALL that we need. He alone is enough.

O you know...just a little snap shot of my future husband...
I think this was when He found me in the crowd ;0)

Thousands of Hands lifted high, praising and worshipping our living God!
gave me chill bumps!

It was the " Aftermath" tour but I did not know most of the songs on the CD.
Please...if you have not heard it, listen to the "Aftermath" song. It is beautiful! Listen to the words. I love it.

One of the guys (I don't know their names) said something that I just loved. I'm going to paraphrase...not quote because I do not remember verbatim what He said, but something to the effect of...

We can have this moment now because God, knowing that we are not perfect, that we would fail Him, and often times miss the mark gave His only son for us. So that we do not have to live our lives in the wreckage of our mistakes, but instead live a life of freedom

"For by One sacrifice He has made perfect forever those who are being made Holy"
Hebrews 10:14