Sunday, March 13, 2011

6 Months!

First things First!
I ran my long run today, and I ran 5 miles!!!!
This is a big deal to me... Prior to today the farthest I have ever run was 4 miles (and I have only done that twice) I was very proud of myself. Running is definitely a mental sport. I wanted to give up so many times but I pushed through it and completed my goal! :0)
and Oh how I have missed the 70 degree weather!!!!!!

Shout out to Anna and Jeremy Richter
for completing their long run of 6 miles today! :0)
Jeremy has already ran a half marathon, but has had a knee that's great that He was able to do 6!


Today was Desperation Church's 6 month anniversary!
In 6 months we have had over 100 salvations and I think over 50 baptism!!!
and countless testimonies of how God id moving in Peoples lives

God is working in a HUGE way at DC and the city of Cullman.
He has absolutely Blown us away with all that He is doing and has blessed us with.
All of the Glory and Honor goes to our Savior!!!

I was sad I had to work today and did not get to go to the service,
they put together a slide show of some of the stuff DC has been involved in since the start of the church.
If I can get my hands on it, I will post it

I cannot wait to see what God has up His sleeve for the Future ;0)

A couple pics from outreach projects...

Community Blitz
We helped Mandy decorate and learn to throw things away! ;0)
She was a pro by the end of the day!

the guys spruced up her yard

fall carnival!


I am so looking forward to a day off tomorrow!!!
I just finished my 7(days of work). I have tomorrow off, but then go back for 3 more days to make up for the time I will miss while in Africa, have 3 days off, go back for 5...then leave for Africa!
Mix all the social activities in too, and I've got myself a packed 2 weeks!
I think its safe to say there will not be a need for sedatives to help me sleep on the plane!:0)

I have a jillion things to do in my one little day off I pray I wake up in a productive mood;0)

Tomorrow night is the Bachelor Finale though!
I'm excited about it. My friend Brittany is hosting a party at her house...I have small group, so I will go late.
In case I do not make it she went ahead and gave me my rose:0)
I told her "I would be honored to take it" ;0)
I love parties at her house. She is such a fabulous hostess and there is always good food!

Hope everyone has a phenominal week!!!

"...If God is for us, who can be against us!"
Romans 8:31

So glad God is "for" me :0)

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