Friday, March 4, 2011

That Which Does Not Kill me, Will Only Make Me Stronger

After cleaning carpets on Wed and the 2nd day of bootcamp last night, I am moving a little slower than normal!

Wed my mom rented a carpet cleaner and also let me use it for my House. I now have clean, wonderful spelling carpet just in time for spring! However, I definitely had to work for it. That carpet machine was like wrestling a bear. I have never actually wrestled a bear...but it's probably a lot similar minus some scratches and bite wounds;0) I was absolutely worn out by the time I was done, but very impressed with the results!

This is how my back felt about it!
Thursday morning I woke up and my back was aching from the top of each shoulder blade to my waste. I was already dreading Bootcamp for this very reason. I went to the class last night. My back was the least of my worries. I completely forgot that it was hurting me because now every other muscle in my body was also being overworked!

Bootcamp was intense to say the least! We started out doing a "beep test" Basically you run from one yellow line to the other (width of a gym) and you have to make it across the yellow line before you here a beep. The beeps get closer together the longer you go. They told the people who had done it before and scored 50 or better to go to another gym so we could spread out. I assumed that meant 50 was a good number so I set that for my goal. I like competition so I was kinda looking forward to it.

So we began... It wasn't very hard at first, but obviously the more we did the more difficult it became. Of course being the Klutz that I am-My shoe came untied so I had to catch up...but good news! I made it before the beep:0) (last time I dropped this marker thing. Things like this always happen too me.) Around #46 my chest began to tighten. I am used to running, but not sprinting. That was for highschool years:0) But my goal was 50 and I made it to 52.

I felt pretty done-in after that but we had only just begun. I pretty much hated the rest of the class. Most of the time I was waiting for my body to decide to quit holding me up and collapse in the floor. My legs were like jello! BUT I made it through and I'm glad I went. I want to see results and when I have people pushing me I finish. If I'm at home...I sit down and watch TV:0)
Summer here I come!

Today I did a three mile run. Starting out was kinda difficult. I was so sore from yesterday! But as I started to warm up, it got much better! However,after I ran I could barely get back out of the car to go in Wal Mart .I am definitely feeling the pain now!

Going out with some friends tonight, If you see me using a cane. Don't Judge me;0)

Enjoy the Weekend!!!!!!!!

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