As Easter draws near...
You know what that means???
Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs!!!!!
I went to Wal-Mart yesterday to pick up some plastic Easter eggs for a small group project
and was completely excited to see these sitting on the shelf!
I have to confess...I have eaten 5 of these in the past 28 hours:0/
I know what you are thinking...
"She needs Self Control!"
I completely agree with you, they are just SO GOOD!
I refuse to look at how many calories one of these contain, because once I multiply it by 5, I know all the miles I have ran in probably the last month would not even make up for it.
In this situation ignorance is Bliss!
My Solution:
Don't buy anymore unless I want to go up a pant size
Because clearly controlling myself and spreading them out is not attainable
Out of the pack of 6, I did However share one...That's gotta count for something right???
Small Group
We had small group again last night
Dinner was DELISH!
We had Chicken Cordon Bleau, roasted potatoes, salad, and zucchinni sauteed with Fetta
Oh and lets not forget the chocolate cookies with White Chocolate Chips!!! MMM :0)
After Dinner we stuffed 380 eggs with Candy and taped them shut
Why 380?... Well we actually need 10,000!
The day before Easter, Sat April 23, We are having a huge carnival in the park across from the Church
( BTW everyone is invited!)
We are going to drop 10,000 easter eggs from a helicopter!!!
Therefore, a lot of the small groups are stuffing eggs:0)
We will be doing the same thing next week!
It was also a great time of fellowship... Love my small group girls!!!
The Final Rose
Last night was also the Bachelor Finale!
I had planned on going over to Brittany's Party after small group, but we ended up watching it at Autumn's and once I got comfy...I decided to stay put:0)
I already knew who would win
Brittany doesn't like to get "emotionally invested" , So she finds out through "reality Steve" who will win.
I still enjoyed watching it...Yes, I am aware at how unrealistic it is, but I still Like it
And I was pleased with His decision:0)
This is my rose Britt gave me, in case I didn't make it last night:0)
Pain Free!
well... for the most part
After I ran 4 miles last Friday, my left knee was in Severe pain!
It hurt pretty bad during my run... But after I was finished it only got worse. I was unable to walk down the stairs and I couldn't really bend it at all.
I'm not really sure, but it seems as though it could have been some sort of tendinitis
Truthfully, I don't care what it was, I just needed for it to quit hurting!
Saturday at work, I researched this knee brace made by protech. I have seen people wear these on their knees...but also, a lot of time on their elbows. I would think, "how does that little band possibly even make a difference?" However, even though I was skeptical...It had great reviews, so I figured I would try it out.
I ran 5 miles on Sunday afternoon and 3 miles today, and did not experience any knee pain!
Apparently it applies pressure in just the right place on the patella and helps support it.
I give it 2 thumbs up!
The rest of my legs felt like they were going to fall off...I assume that will get better as I get stronger
But I am pleased to not be dragging my left leg behind me;0)
Ran a new route thru the middle of G'dale today. The highlight was the older lady holding the Little Ceasers' sign, doing the cupid shuffle. It entertained me for a good 30 seconds as I ran by;0) Good Stuff!!!
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