Friday, March 11, 2011

The Countdown Begins

Where has the time gone???
This week has flown by
Last Friday I was thinking, "Africa is 3 weeks away, it's taking forever"
Then it's like I blinked and it's a week later!

This week has been a GREAT week and Oh so busy!
I don't think I have gotten in bed a second before 11pm this week...
And with waking up at 4:40AM everyday , I am ready for sleeping in on Monday!!!

We are down to 14 DAYS before I leave!!!!!

Last night we had a packing party and packed up most of our supplies that we are taking to the Orphanage

We had a living room full of stuff!
diapers, wipes, formula, toothbrushes, toothepaste, toys, children's clothes and shoes, clothes and shoes for the nannys, puppets, splints, bathing products, etc.

We had great team work and packed up 11 suitcases (under 50lbs of course) in around an hour and a half
When it's all said and done, I think we will have around 13 suitcases to check along with a few wheelchairs
Looking forward to spending 10 days with this group :0))
I have a feeling there won't be a dull moment!

Arm splints anyone??

Hey...ya gotta have the necessities

remember the comment about not having a "dull moment"?
see what I'm sayin' ?

We are gonna do a puppet show!
Already practicing my voice that I'm gonna use:0)
(TJ is going to be my running partner while we are in Africa (which means getting up VERY early)...He also wants me to do "endurance/strength training" with Him. My response... contorted face, wrinkled up nose and "uhh yeah...maybe"

One step closer! Ready to see those sweet babies!!!!

*****Prayer Request***

Damali (director od Sonrise) emailed me Yesterday morning, and asked if I would be willing to sell Some African beads that the women hand make there to help raise money for the baby Home. They are struggling financially. I told her I absolutely would. They are assorted colors and different lengths. They will be $10. I am looking for them in the mail, but it will obviously take a little bit. I will do a post about them once I receive them.
 If you think you may be interested go ahead and text me if you have my number or email me at Its ok to FB me but I'm taking a break from FB for a while, so you probably will not get a timely response.

In the mean time...please lift the baby home up in prayer that they will get more commited sponsors, as they are so rapidly growing and need a way to provide for these prescious babies.

Also don't forget the people of Japan
I am so heartbroken for them, as their world has been completely turned upside down
I just cannot imagine
Lets keep them lifted in our prayers!
kinda puts our "problems" into perspective doesn't it?

I Hope everyone enjoys the weekend!!!
I think the weather is supposed to be pretty:0)

P.S. I completed 4 miles today...and aside from some knee pain, feeling good!!!
I basically just cancelled out the strawberry cake I ate after lunch today

But it was TOTALLY worth it!!! :0)

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